"near is one,' replied Habetrot, 'whom I bid to come arrived at this hour, and he has heard my dub blunt the self-bored stone.' So saying she rose, opened new-found opening, which was clandestine by the family tree of an old tree, and invited the team to come in and see her set."
In Italy both the holed stone and key are symbols of Diana, noteworthy to the Greeks as Artemis. She is both goddess of and protectress of witches. The holed stone itself is presumed to protect from black magic and curses and similarly nightmares or magical curve being inactive. As for the key, I couldn't come into its properties any top than Elizabeth Challenge so I'm on the dot separation to quote her words:
"The key is an important magical symbol, dramatic submission to a windfall place in either a physical or mystical air. It is similar with the goddess Diana and is a accusing element of the cimaruta, an Italian charm symbolizing be keen on to her. The key relates to Diana in the form of Jana, an top-notch form of her name, and her separate as warden of the gates of nirvana and highest of the doors and thresholds of a persevere with. They key is similarly a symbol of Hecate, the mistress of the condense world who possesses the resource to open the gates and free detained souls. Keys are similarly whispered to be satisfactory conductors of psychic energies."
~ Elizabeth Challenge, "The ABC of Magical Ornaments"
I made these Hagstone and key charms stoppage night using beach-combed holed stones, lampwork transom evil eye beads, primordial keys, and silk and mustache yarns to bind all the charms together. I'll apparently be consecrating them and excitement them to their operate either today or tomorrow and request carry them up in the Botanica at the rear of that. They can be hung up fashionable the persevere with by the opening to protect the persevere with from evil spirits inner, from compete who mean you harm from inner, and similarly from burglary and bad luck. They can be hung improved or aloof upon the witch's altar to use for assets of Hecate or Diant/Artemis for opening the opening to the otherworld or criminal world, and similarly to succeed visions or see spirits.
Origin: wiccancommunity.blogspot.com