a take off of dhruva nadi may be old hat with b.v.raman group. you cancontact mrs rajeswari, product of at the rear b.v.raman. in thierastrological magzine they had colum called dhruva nadi everywhere they useto connect once in a while about dhruva nadi.
about saptarishi nadi, is old hat in chennai museum, which can bexeroxed, it is in tamil in 7 volumes.english replica too availablewhich is not comply with.
vaidhamadhavam is avilable in mysore library
agatsya nadi can be found in sarasvati mahal of tanzore
sapta rishi nadi if i m not shameful ( which i saw at museum) hashundreds of charts with readings, if ur go after tallys with or nearerto any combination mentioned then that foretelling may work to u by 80to 90%. for precedent mesha lagna has 72 charts.
as a reaserch these charts and predictions may help a lot.bcoz ibelive all nadi granths some everywhere has prevalent ancestry, if we can decodesome..decoding other gets easier.
as per my part knowledge i presume working on deva keralam may giveearly fertility. but dev keralam/chandra kala nadi is not in orderstill it has foretelling draw up to for examples if occupier is inherent in meshalagna champkam amsha general feeling claim obtain feel in his life atrespective age.or occupier inherent in vasudha amsha etcsince devekeralam has its nuts and bolts hiddens in divisnal charts andcurrently divisinal go after has comparitive good literature old hat.
near is separate nadi old hat bhrigu nandi nadi in black and white by r.g.raowhich does not claim divisinal mop the floor with but may be a good reaserch stuffbcoz deals with transit. few of its system (may not all )work verywell are good eye openers. one of them is "karaka transist"
separate nadi book is avilable is secure of nadi astrology by exceedingly authorwhich deals with palmistry too..fortitude of which is verifying chartwith thumb reveal. it divides first in the sphere of 12 which in turn aredivided in the sphere of 108..based on 108 navamsha.
with the help of computers we can conclude of even 1800 finaly 1800*47200 based on varna, 28800 based on tatva and varna and so on in nearfuture ( plunder dev keralm as mop the floor with)
dhurva nadi and devakeralm has lot similarities in them bcoz they arebased on micro divisions which are zip but micro divisnal chartsas per sjc gurus, deals with cutting edge mental plains, ceiling of signifyingpast karmas,and penalties etc. which can be exellent material forsuggesting remedies copmared to traditional fasting and navagrahashanti.
meena nadi and budha nadi are not strogly based on split but ondasha check.they analyzes dasha some time not in accordence withparashari but has enuf for vacate and fine modification.
conecpts of yogi avyogi dagdha raasi and specific dasha check of sriseshadi iyers has family tree in vaidhmadhavam a nadi book old hat inmysore museum. but some other say it is releted to "shatchalana" ofbudha nadi..near is small amount contraversy too for conquered from someancient muhurta shastra.
meena nadi supply importence to deha lord( any bhava lord) and "jeeva"lord ( planetary lord) and any afliction in transit to deha lord orjeeva lord has triggering actions.
near are few nadi grantha old hat which deals with prashna andsingle prashna can go out with life time outcome of huge accommodation orcomunity. i had met one such outfit covet bac whu had predicted withprasha that due to some curse all "females" in accommodation general feeling claim lotsof sorrowfulness. it happened as soon as 8 get-up-and-go...2 of them lost thier husbandand separate one do not successor due to therapeutic complication. he hadpredicted these before thier marriage and i had felt he bright wishes tosnatch some money as checkup procedures.
ceiling trendy prsahna nadi is " suka nadi" suka here is refred toparrot in sanskrit if i m not shameful.near is separate nadi calledsukha nadi obstinate from suka nadi..can say of no use.
trendy lal kitab has secret family tree in some north indian nadi,conceptslike " bali" ghaat" takkar" sounds local but has lead.
"raavan samhita" in black and white by ravana as per mythology has a explanation ofall but considerably easy to understand compared to nadi grantha has somefine clues of predictions. aurvedic checkup evaluation mentined inravana samhita has individuality.
ravana was facts oracle of his time, he was hypersensitive of hiddensecrets,power and acceptability of planatory infuences that why at thetime of jerk of "meghanatha" he by power captured all 9 planets andforcefully complete all of them to be in lagna bhava vs. nature suchthat his son be facts of all chakravortis and be imortal, wellthat was separate story due to sweating of shani caused by closenessto sun gave jerk to maandi, weary by ravana which sliped into2nd bhava..causing a powefull arista yoga sufficients for earlydealth of meghanatha..fact since placemnt of mandi in any bhav is notbad but maandi in 2nd aspecting 8th stock of longivity definately mayreduce longivity.
near few books in black and white by bepin beharji, which are actually notancient but are gems. in one of his book he describes amalgamation ofhoroscope very well,may be on show from conventinal astrology but hasgood triggers for reaserch minded clan and some mop the floor with for nadiastrology decoding.
word nadi looks attractive technically may mean some "sookshma"but one of my first tutor had meant in south india "naadi" word istermed for "samhita" in north india.
some special nadi can be found in "tanzore" museum or in sarasvati mahal
nadi grantha which i came acroos, was skillful to fastener from others, justmentioning below
devkeralam, dhruva, agatsya,(shiva) kaak bhujanga, wise naadi,budhanaadi,which makes me to conclude near may be 9 other draw up to surya nadi,(suryakanal chakra is it consequent from surya nadi?)chandra nadi( maybe devakeralam) shani nadi etc meena nadi ( equally theremay bemesha vrishabha etc 12 nadis) kapila nadi,vashista nadi, suka nadisukha nadi, saptarishi nadi, pushya nadi.
i claim truely no statement about kapila nadi vashista nadi and pushya nadi.
greatly ragunathji, my intenstions are not to conflict u from urresearch subject but to paass on bright few information.