Friday, May 9, 2014

Molly Astrology For April 2011 Update

Molly Astrology For April 2011 Update



The month begins with five planets in Aries, refreshing our indication, castle in the sky and self-awareness. As these Aries planets examine in with Saturn in Libra, we get pleasure from to retract to examine in with others, and proclaim for the win-win trade. It's a on fire up month- time to tow action! But don't fly. Aries' mechanism runs hot; be unfaltering to examine your dipstick every past in a for example. Don't let edginess and eccentricity get the best of you. Get amply prod and allow for some time to yourself to coolness out. Cautious with fast cars, hot foods, hot tempers, hot metal; and detachment your wits.


At the end of March, Mercury began the retrograde part of its in circles. Mercury is the messenger. For example retrograde, messages are unintelligible. As accepted with Mercury retrograde, alert lights are starry certain communications, machines, electricity, connectivity, banishment, detailed strategy and schedules. Mercury retrograde is a fantastic time to review, reconsider, prepare for publication, take back, reword. As Mercury goes to the rear, so does our intellectual and core. You can use this time to care your knowledge and understanding for a push forward that general feeling tow place at the back of Mercury retrograde ends on April 23.


April 10-18 is a challenging week, with Mercury and Mars in Aries forming a t-square with Saturn in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn. It's a test of your general feeling and grit, requiring inner and credibly outer surface sturdiness to caress and push set down obstacles. The Saturn-Mars combination tends toward burdensome disappointment and fractious outbursts. Pluto in the mix brings repressed emotions to the participate. Population push our buttons. Whether they do it methodically or erratically, it's up to us to tow a amount back. Don't get sucked stylish someone else's tragedy. Use your battles judiciously. Be tactful with fire, in advance, and with piquant or uncertain gear, unreliable line. Celebrate, this too shall clutch.

The energy turns express to the surely in late April and stylish May, as Jupiter begins to position a tender trine to the Moon's North Node. Pick up in May's projection.


The best days for your top pre-eminence strategy are April 1, 20, 22, 27.

Entice it easy April 2, 3, 10, 11, 17-19, 26, 30.

By Molly Cliborne

2011 Directory

Original Readings
