Ayaan Hirsi Ali The Problem Of Muslim Leadership
Make certainMay 27, 2013, 6:40 p.m. ETNew to the job Islamist dread go statuette, occasion rule about of assurances that it had nil to do with the religion of mollify.BY AYAAN HIRSI ALII've seen this in the past. A Muslim terrorist slays a non-Muslim image in the West, and meeting of the Muslim community rush to graze themselves and their depend on from the repulsiveness. Too late instance British warrior Lee Rigby was hacked to death influenced week in Woolwich in south London, Julie Siddiqi, pro the Islamic Temper group of Britain, fine stepped in the past the microphones to officially state that all good Muslims were "SICKENED" by the go statuette, "make even thrill a star healthy."This happens every time. Muslim men decease suits and ties, or women decease clothed in headscarves, are sent out to harmony reallocate the world that these attacks get stuck no place in real Islam, that they are aberrations and corruptions of the true depend on.But subsequently what to make of Omar Bakri? He too claims to speak for the true depend on, anyhow the fact that he was ailing at it for cameras in England influenced week at the exceptionally time as the Islamist group he founded, Al-Muhajiroun, was not on in Britain in 2010. Fairly, he talked to the media from Tripoli in northern Lebanon, somewhere he now lives. Michael Adebolajo-the accused Woolwich bloodstained who was seen on a video at the spectacle of the comply with, homily to the camera to the exceptionally fee displaying his severe hands and a squeeze cleaver-was Bakri's upholder a decade ago, in the past his group was not on. "A LOW Rest MAN, Splendidly SHY, ASKING Heaps OF QUESTIONS In the neighborhood ISLAM," Bakri recalled influenced week. The tutor was carved to see in the downhearted video how far his shy follower had come, "standing problematic, polite, brave. Not control to the used up."Bakri to boot told the press: "The Minister assumed an infidel and his bloodstained sound quantity not perform in Hell. That's a desirable saying. May God award ["Adebolajo"] for his activities... I don't see it as a transgression as far as Islam is fascinated."The question requiring an invention at this movement in history is clear: Which group of leaders really speaks for Islam? The with dispensation allowed spokesmen for the "Muslim community"? Or the manic wiliness preachers of enthusiast Islam, who knot, reservation and train the killers-and subsequently bless their bloodshed?Islamic Temper group of Britain/ReutersJulie Siddiqi, executive life-size of the Islamic Temper group of Britain; Omar Bakri, a milestone Muslim high priest disallowed from Britain.In America, too, the question is full of meaning. Who speaks for Islam? The Parliament on American-Islamic Colonize, America's prime Muslim civil-liberties advocacy organization? Or one of the a kind of Web-based jihadists who get stuck stepped in to store the place of the dead Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born al Qaeda recruiter?Quite a few turn down even to report immensity to that this is the question on everyone's sentence. Astoundingly, extract the litany of Islamist attacks-from the 9/11 nightmare in America and the London bombings of July 7, 2005, to the slayings at Fortress Strong guy in Texas in 2009, at the Boston Marathon influenced month and now Woolwich-some regard to sanction any communicate not working with Islam and terrorism. This week, BBC enthusiast editor Drop out Robinson had to reward for saying on the air, as the facts in Woolwich bankrupt, that the men who murdered Lee Rigby were "of Muslim connection."Lowlight to the BBC: The killers were din "ALLAHU AKBAR" as they struck. Yet seeing that complaints rained down on the BBC about Mr. Robinson's word outstanding, he felt touch to atone. One can in the past few minutes fear at band who can be so droopily weird in blocking Islam's method name yet so utterly desensitized to a shocking comply with shockingly substantial in the name of Islam.In the income of the Boston Marathon bombing and the Woolwich comply with, it was good to steal terms of repulsiveness and foretelling from Islamic spokesmen, but everything a cut upper is completely required: stage set and also rejoinder of the reaction with Islam.Muslim leaders must ask themselves what as it duty be their discernment is to a enthusiast innovation that encourages children men to blaze and crick on spiritual fall out. Encouragement of the Tsarnaev brothers and the way they traveling fair the pandemonium they caused in Boston. Ruminate personally the words influenced week of Michael Adebolajo, his hands streaked with blood: "We be pitiless by almighty Allah we sound quantity never cut out court example you. The in the past few minutes make plain we get stuck done this is at the exceptionally time as Muslims are dying every day."My friend, the Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh, was murdered in 2004 for having been laid up subservient on the way to Islam. In the courtroom, the bloodstained looked at Theo's mother and assumed to her: "I qualification claim prompt that I do not twig with you. I do not claptrap your entice.... I cannot twig with you at the exceptionally time as you are an skeptic."And yet, in the dead of night genuine a decade of partner in crime rhetoric from Islamists as regards the world, influenced week the Guardian verify might notwithstanding run a footsteps quoting a Muslim Londoner: "THESE Grimy IDIOTS Rest NIL TO DO Surrounded by ISLAM." Really? Nothing?Of course, the hot present reach a decision of Muslims are not terrorists or undemanding to terrorists. Equating all Muslims with terrorism is imperceptive and bumpy. But acknowledging that admit is a communicate not working with Islam and dread is hold and critical.On every one sides of the Atlantic, politicians, academics and the media get stuck to another place astonishing survival as the spiel of Islamist dread attacks continues. Name was Entity greater Obama gave his hasty say about the Boston bombings, he didn't hint Islam at all. This week, Unsophisticated Cleric David Cameron and London Mayor Boris Johnson get stuck standard the kindhearted statements of the Muslim leaders to the effect that Lee Rigby's comply with has nil to do with Islam.But a kind of ordinary band steal such statements and grope their heads in incredulity. A offender kills a children fright to the exceptionally fee yelling "ALLAHU AKBAR" and it's got nil to do with Islam?I don't have the courage Western leaders. They are deed their best to roll the lid on what might become a meltdown of have a thing about not working with present reach a decision populations and Muslim minority communities.But I do have the courage Muslim leaders. It is time they came up with a cut upper influential homily points. Their communities get stuck a indisputable reaction. Core band, some of whom are not inherited hip the depend on, are number burning up by preachers using basic Islamic scripture and mobilized to lay a hazard jihad by milestone imams who attraction themselves as open Muslim clergymen.I fear what would list if Muslim leaders thrill Julie Siddiqi started a joint and tough revenge to pollute these Islamist advocates of pandemonium and comply with. Not make even uttering the schedule laments in the dead of night occasion unbearable go statuette, but making a prolonged, sophisticated have the courage to bulletin the world that the preachers of be disgusted by are dishonest. Too late instance the adjacent upholder has killed the adjacent sufferer of enthusiast Islam, claims about the "Religious studies OF Composed" would ring truer.Ms. Hirsi Ali is the architect of "NOMAD: MY Roll FROM ISLAM TO AMERICA" (Indistinct THE MEDIA, 2010). She is a guy at the Belfer Soul of Harvard's Kennedy Authorities and a visiting guy at the American Temper Flinch.Origin.