Acorn Guild Press, 2005
132 pages, b/w illustrations, index & bibliography
"The Witches' Sabbats" is Mike Nichols first published book. Mike Nichols is an Old Guard witch from the start of the modern witchcraft movement in the 60s and 70s. A witchcraft teacher for 20 years straight, with workshops, speaking engagements and his popular Sabbat articles on top of that, Mike Nichols is a community elder and Craft pioneer. His famous Sabbat articles have been passed around the community since the time of the BBS boards (we're talking pre-internet here kids), and are still shared on the world wide web today by the new generation of witches. For the first time Mike's Sabbat articles as well as his other works are published together in one volume, essential to every witch and Wiccan's bookshelf. The research that Mike Nichols puts into his articles is amazing - the information is compiled from well-known and respected works on folklore and mythology. If you are looking to get a better or fuller understanding of the individual significance of each Sabbat as well as they why and how behind each festival's celebration, "The Witches' Sabbats" is the perfect work to use as reference. This work is divided into two parts - part one for the Sabbats and part two for Mike Nichols other articles, some of which are deeper investigations into the meanings of the festivals: one is his controvercial but very eye-opening article "Rethinking the Watchtowers"; others include a reflection on how the Pagan community has grown over the years; and the last is a lovely fable on how feminist witchcraft can be reconciled with those who worship both male and female deities. It's a wonderful compilation and the articles work well as chapters of a whole book. I personally thoroughly enjoy Mike Nichols writing style, he ranges from being incredibly informative and detailed to being poeticly fluid in his writing. This is a both a great introductory and reference book, good for both old guard and new witch.
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