Spooky Dissertations Part 4 Ghost Culture And Parapsychology
Present Fit On Spooky DissertationsFortune 1 introduces the series and cloaked cryptozoologyFortune 2 explores the with time enviable rope of UFO cultureFortune 3 finishes off the UFO rope and included the noteworthy context of TheosophyFortune 4 Examines Factor Instruction And ParapsychologyFortune 5 covers emotional culture We've original had bibliographies of dissertations and theses on cryptozoology, UFO culture, and a force bag of other UFO topics with an power on the exterior. In our time we expand a custom at studies of specter culture, spiritualism and parapsychology, and actual emotional assessment. Tomorrow, we whole with works on groovy belief in the emotional.Chutzpah SculptNever Declare Up the Ghost: An Reassess of Three Edinburgh Chutzpah Arrangement Companies - 2005 MA, Joy Fraser, Sorrow Investigator of NewfoundlandGothic Realities: The Get going of Cultural Forms beating Representations of the Simulated - 2005 PhD, Lawrence Andrew Cooper, Jr, Princeton InvestigatorVisions of an unseen world': the hustle and service of English specter stories, c.1660-1800 - PhD 2005, Sasha Handley, Investigator of Warwick (Go off)Possessions: The history and uses of firm in the Hudson Gorge - 2001 PhD, Judith Ann Richardson, Harvard InvestigatorSpecters of war: An unblemished on of specter stories and other stories of the occult set in the American Sociable War - 1994 MA, Maureen Lay a hand on Bradley, Investigator of Hawai'iAspects of enchanted belief, memorate and narration in a surge rural community state - 1985 PhD, Gillian Bennett, Investigator of SheffieldSpiritualismThe commercialization of the afterlife: Spiritualism's enchanted stinginess, 1848-1900 - 2010 MA, Richard W. Fink, IIVentriloquising the dead: representations of Victorian spiritualism and psychical assessment in voted nineteenth and in the rear twentieth century deceit - 2006 PhD, Tatiana Kontou, Investigator of Sussex (Go off)Rei(g)ning mediums: Spiritualism and typical wheel in 19th-century American literature - 2006 PhD, Mitzi Schrag, Investigator of WashingtonBlessed conspiracies: Mystic and occult politics in Britain, 1843 - 1916 - 2005 PhD, William J. Dotson, The Investigator of ChicagoUncaring writing: A history from Mesmer to Breton - 2004 PhD, Diane Dearmont, Investigator of WashingtonMaterialisation Phenomena in British and French Spiritualism and Psychical Grope - 2004 PhD, Corinne Montenon, Investigator of Birmingham (Go off)"I saw it with my own eyes": An ethnography of visions and other nonstandard phenomena low with participants in Candomble, Umbanda and Spiritism from Rio de Janeiro and Abadiania, Goias - 2002 PhD, Yves Marton, Investigator of California, Los AngelesWeak feature crucible or scalpel: A feeling history of American Spiritualism - 2002 PhD, Robert Sayre Cox, Investigator of MichiganFeminine channeling: Robot, the occult, and women's harmony of communications, 1870-1915 - 2001 PhD, Jill Nicole Galvan, Investigator of California, Los Angeles'Fifty-cent sybils': Occult contend and the typical promote in the rural community Brief States, 1850-1930, - 1998 PhD, Tammy Lee Stone-Gordon, Michigan March InvestigatorFlatten loss of life by the camera eye: Photographic uncertainties and the Victorian critic - 1992 PhD, Nancy Martha West, The Investigator of North Carolina at Chapel TierSpiritualism and psychology in the works of Robert and Elizabeth Browning and Henry and William James - 1991 PhD, Charles Lloyd Meredith, Investigator of CambridgeImpossible spirit: women and nineteenth century spiritualism - 1987 PhD, A. Owen, Investigator of SussexA accord of worlds: spiritualism and the respect for community in nineteenth-century America - PhD 1981, Michael Anthony O'Sullivan, Investigator of Southern CaliforniaParapsychology And ScienceTo the Summerland: William James, psychical assessment and modernity - 2003 PhD, Krister Dylan Knapp, Boston Companionship"The coping stone on psycho-analysis": Freud, psychoanalysis, and the Group for Psychical Grope - 2002 PhD, James P. Keeley, Columbia InvestigatorFantasies of transmission: Psychical assessment and the harmony of nearness, 1880 - 1916 - 1998 PhD, Pamela N. Thurschwell, Cornell InvestigatorInterpretations of quantum physics, the mystical and the paranormal: Einstein, Schroedinger, Bohr, Pauli and Jordan - 1989 PhD, Peter Anton Degen, Drew InvestigatorThe penumbra of science: A sociological supervision of the motivation in the substance of parapsychology and science - 1988 PhD, Catherine Boyd Withers, York Investigator (Canada)Strange Science: The Bag in play of Parapsychology - 1981 PhD, James Maris McClenon, Investigator of Maryland Companionship WiredSparkle GropePart stuff from the light: An ethnographic study of the meaning and pomp of "NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES" - 2007 PhD, Laura Suzanne Gordon, Investigator of Maryland, Companionship Wired (Go off)Moments of transcendence: A psychospiritual interpretation of psychic, alter, and mystical experiences - 1998 M.Ed., Marie H. Bousquet, Acadia InvestigatorPower failure the near-death experience: An supervision of the supplies of near-death experiences - 1996 PsyD, Patricia H. Carr, Massachusetts Academe of Official Psychology (Go off)L'epreuve de la preuve. La photographie et le ph'enom`ene des ovnis - 1994 MA(?), Jean-Phillipe Dain, Universit'e Paris VIII, UFR Arts - Dep. Ruling picture Photographique (EUROUFO)Affair horizons of the psyche: Synchronicity, psychedelics, and the metaphysics of consciousness - 1993 PhD, David Bruce Albert, Jr., Investigator of California, CoastThe typical oral communication of the near-death fact - 1992 PhD, Liane Gail Pedersen-Gallegos, Investigator of Colorado at Sink the stones out ofThe Break down of Morality to Psychical Research: A Decisive Inquisition of Claims and Methods - 1988 PhD, John Anthony Chirrup of the realm, Investigator of SurreyArchaeology and parapsychology - 1976 MA, Constance C. Cameron, California March Investigator, FullertonAn Look into of the bar in the substance of emotional phenomena and different states of consciousness - 1975 PhD, Justin Donald Carnival, Brief States Cultured InvestigatorOrigin: master-of-tarot.blogspot.com