The False Doctrine Of Once Saved Always Saved Is Very Dangerous To Everyone
" A "GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD" from Monopoly.Among the most dangerous of ALL ' FALSE DOCTRINES ', is the incorrect teaching of: " ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED. " Although it sounds great, to those who have no real intentions toward SPIRITUAL REPENTANCE", it is a worthless teaching; and founded upon a multitude of SCRIPTURAL ERRORS, or OUTRIGHT LIES! Even before, we begin this scriptural study [ in our own hearts ] we already know this to be true... and yet, we'll grasp at anything to continue believing in it. For, as "THE SCRIPTURES" clearly relate: " THE HEART IS DECEITFUL ABOVE ALL THINGS; AND WHO CAN HONESTLY KNOW IT? "In Truth, ' ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED ' is THE SPIRITUAL DOCTRINE of: " UNRESTRAINED LICENTIOUSNESS " - acting within our physical bodies; while subduing our own "SPIRITUAL CONSCIENCE" - through the blatant misuse of emotional sophistry. Otherwise, such critical scriptures - as, THE FOLLOWING ONE - wouldn't make any sense.... In "REVELATION 3", It Says:" HE WHO OVERCOMES [ HE WHO COMPLETES THE RACE FOR SPIRITUAL SALVATION ] shall be clothed IN WHITE GARMENTS [ THE FULLNESS AND STATURE OF YAHSHUA ], and I will NOT BLOT OUT his name from THE BOOK OF LIFE [ WHICH IS ALWAYS WITHIN THE SIGHT OF MY FATHER ]; but I will confess his name [ ASSIGNING HIM SPIRITUAL KINSHIP ] before My Father [ YAHWEH, THE MIGHTY ONE ] and before His angels. - REVELATION 3:5. " "THE BACKWATER GOSPEL - illustrates "THIS TRUTH"!You see, dear brothers and sisters, we are at war ' WITH OUR-OWN-SELVES ' - even as much, if not more, than those: " PRINCIPALITIES AND POWERS ", and their, " FORCES OF SPIRITUAL DARKNESS ". Remember: "THE GREATEST", "MOST DESTRUCTIVE", and "ORIGINAL SIN" - was, in fact: " PERSONAL SELFISHNESS "... and it has been THE VERY SAME SPIRITUAL PROBLEM, for: "LUCIFER", "HIS FALLEN ANGELS", "OUR TWO ORIGINAL PARENTS", and "ALL OF OUR ANCESTORS "- since then... and [ now ] it's vying for us, as well!After all, ' THE ACCUSER ' has clearly spoken out against us: " WHO OF YOU, CAN BE MADE PERFECT - IN YAHWEH'S OWN EYES? " Isn't that what he so deceptively says, every single day of our entire lives? Sure, it is!In contrast, however, consider THE WORDS OF YAHWEH....In ISAIAH CHAPTER 29, We Read:" IS IT NOT YET A VERY LITTLE WHILE UNTIL LEBANON [ THE FULL HOUSE OF ISRAEL ] shall be turned into A FRUITFUL FIELD [ SHALL GAIN A TRUE UNDERSTANDING ], And the fruitful field be esteemed AS A FOREST [ THE ENTIRE EARTH WILL ALSO KNOW YAHWEH ]? IN THAT DAY, THE DEAF [ THOSE WHO WILL NOT LISTEN ] shall hear the words of THE BOOK [ SHALL HEAR THEM WHEREVER THEY GO ], And the eyes of THE BLIND [ THOSE WHO REFUSE TO SEE ] shall see OUT OF OBSCURITY [ THAT WHICH HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY HIDDEN FROM THEM ] and OUT OF DARKNESS [ THE DARKNESS OF MAN'S OWN CLEVER DEVISING ]. THE HUMBLE [ THOSE WHO'VE SUBMITTED TO MY OWN SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY ] shall increase their joy in The Mighty One, And THE POOR AMONG THEM [ THOSE WHO HAVE SUFFERED, SO SEVERELY, AT THE HANDS OF THE WICKED ] shall rejoice in THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL [ YAHWEH-HUSHUA ].FOR THE TERRIBLE ONE [ LUCIFER, THE ACCUSER OF HUMANITY ] is brought to nothing, THE SCORNFUL ONE [ HE WHO MOCKS AT WHAT HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND ] is consumed, And ALL WHO WATCH FOR INIQUITY [ THOSE WHO HAVE ENCOURAGED YOUR OWN PHYSICAL DESTRUCTION ] are cut off - Who make a man an offender by a word [ THROUGH TWISTING MY OWN SCRIPTURES ], And lay a snare for him who reproves in the gate [ THAT THE WORLD MIGHT IGNORE HIS PROPER INSTRUCTION ], And turn aside the just for a thing of naught [ SUBSTITUTE THEIR OWN FALSE TEACHINGS TO THE MASSES ]. THEREFORE THUS SAYS THE MIGHTY ONE, WHO REDEEMED ABRAHAM, CONCERNING THE HOUSE OF JACOB:JACOB SHALL NOT NOW BE ASHAMED, NOR SHALL HIS FACE NOW GROW PALE; BUT WHEN HE SEES HIS CHILDREN, THE WORK OF MY HANDS, IN HIS MIDST, THEY WILL HALLOW MY NAME [ YAHWEH ], And hallow THE HOLY ONE OF JACOB [ YAHWEH-HUSHUA ], And fear THE MIGHTY ONE OF ISRAEL. These also who ERRED IN SPIRIT [ THOSE UNDER BABYLON'S OWN SPELL ] will come to UNDERSTANDING [ THEIR OWN KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH ], And THOSE WHO MURMURED [ ALL OF THOSE AGAINST ME ] will learn DOCTRINE [ FOR THEY SHALL EXPERIENCE MY OWN JUDGMENTS PERSONALLY ]. - ISAIAH 29:17-24. " " TONY LIAR - is THE END TIME PROPHET OF YAHWEH"!You see, dear friends, THE FALSE DOCTRINE of: " ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED " - is quite a dangerous teaching. In fact, billions of: "Unique" and "Valuable Individuals" - are now perishing, because of this CLEARLY NON-SCRIPTURAL TEACHING! Not just, because it entraps them through their own shackles of sin; but also, because their own examples have sadly tarnished: " THE TRUE MESSAGES OF YAHWEH ", and " THAT OF HIS OWN END TIME PROPHET " - in other highly observant eyes....The false teaching of: "ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED " - is also a blatant violation of ' HIS THIRD COMMANDMENT ' - which states:" YOU SHALL NOT TAKE THE NAME OF YAHWEH Your Mighty One in vain, for The Mighty One will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. - EXODUS 20:7."By falsely claiming ' A SPIRITUAL RELATIONSHIP TO YAHWEH ' - while ignoring HIS: "COMMANDMENTS", "JUDGMENTS", and "STATUTES" [ under the ever watchful eyes of others ] - we treat HIS NAME as just another ' COMMON THING ', to drag along with us, into the mire and muck... and, according to "THE SCRIPTURES", this disingenuous spiritual action [ based upon such False Doctrines ]: " SHALL NOT GO UNPUNISHED! "One need not even know, " THE TRUE NAME OF THE MIGHTY ONE " - to violate THIS HIGHLY-IMPORTANT COMMANDMENT. The merest act of falsely implying ' SUCH A SPIRITUAL RELATIONSHIP TO OTHERS ' and thus: " MUDDYING THE CRYSTAL CLEAR WATERS WITH OUR OWN SPIRITUAL FEET " - is all that such a violation [ honestly ] requires.... Just, something for all of us to prayerfully think upon.Ahava and Shalom.