The X Zone Radiotv Show 2012 Season Trailer
Mend Massive amount "> investigating / researching illusion and parapsychology subjects plus the occult, hazy performance, hauntings, shadow recruits, precognition, new start, unthinkable knowledge, secrecy theories, UFOs, UFO crashes, unfamiliar capture, psychic phenomena, near-death nibble, angels, exorcism, end-time prophecies, shamanism, herbalism, attention to detail bigger significant, psychic undertaking, crystals, Atlantis, Kirlian shooting, lost tribes and civilizations, 666: the Put out of the Worm, 11:11 in numerology, fairies, PSI, ESP, astrology, Chinese astrology, sacred geometry, palmistry, time travel, cosmology, the Apocalypse, Nostradamus, dreams and dream interpretation, Tarot cards, Ouija boards, life just the once death, the Tedious Sea scrolls, Wicca, the Michigan Triangle, the Bermuda Triangle, revolting vortices, s'eances, spiritualists, the Dalai Lama, Raelians, illusion hoaxes and frauds, zombies, preceding life regression, Electronic Articulate Phenomena, productivity circles, cryptozoology and science fib literature, by frequent other illusion and parapsychology topics.That's The 'X' Estate Radio/TV Demonstrate with your numerous Rob McConnell. For snooty information keep busy outing The 'X' Estate Radio/TV Demonstrate is a REL-MAR McConnell Media Set Production -