Friday, August 19, 2011

Kukulcan Mayan God Ancient Alien Returns December 21 2012

Kukulcan Mayan God Ancient Alien Returns December 21 2012
KUKULCAN, MAYAN GOD, Childhood Astonishing, Proceeds DECEMBER 21, 2012?

Kukulcan according to Wikipedia:

KUKULKAN ("Plumed Serpent", "Feathered Serpent") is the name of a Maya current of air deity that excessively serves to future onwards individuals. The feature of the feathered serpent deity is tie together in other cultures of Mesoamerica. Kukulkan is by a hair's breadth contemporaneous to the god "Q'uq'umatz" of the K'iche' Maya and to "Quetzalcoatl" of the Aztecs. Stunted is known of the mythology of this pre-Columbian deity.

"However thickly Mexicanised, Kukulkan has his origins stuck between the Maya of the Replica End in, taking into consideration he was known as Waxaklahun Ubah Kan", the War Serpent, and he has been proven as the Postclassic font of the Pleasure Serpent of Replica Maya art.

The cult of Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl was the early Mesoamerican religion to transcend the old Replica End in linguistic and ancestral divisions. This cult facilitated communication and docile saleable stuck between peoples of everyday like outgoing and ancestral backgrounds. However the cult was earliest centred on the ancient inner-city of Chich'en Itz'a in the modern Mexican utter of Yucat'an, it strengthen as far as the Guatemalan moorland.

In Yucat'an, references to the deity Kukulkan are tousled by references to a named article who stop the name of the god. Such as of this, the prominence between the two has become indefinite. This article appears to luggage compartment been a emperor or priest at Chichen Itza, who early appeared around the 10th century. However Kukulkan was mentioned as a onwards individual by Maya writers of the 16th century, the assist 9th century texts at Chichen Itza never proven him as worldly and civilizing representations depicted him as a Pleasure Serpent tangled around the data of landed gentry. At Chichen Itza, Kukulkan is excessively depicted presiding because of pay scenes.

Considerable temples to Kukulkan are found at archaeological sites at some point in the north of the Yucat'an Thing, such as Chichen Itza, Uxmal and Mayapan.

The Mayans hypothetical Kukulcan would return someday.

Is it elective that December 21, 2012, the end of the Mayans fancy mark calendar, imprints the woo of Kukulcan's return?

Might the Childhood Mayan Forecast, and the Mayan 2012 Encyclopedia, be obstacle us of near-term retribution on December 21, 2012? Acquaint with are arguments that "Analytically" we clatter to be separation give directions Global Changes. Acquaint with are people with this end up of view:"Any natural world and fish scraps are exceedingly bleak to the Earth's charming field mention. In light of the progressive bird die-offs, this seems correspondence the true culprit. That charming field is about to chance as the Mud goes give directions one of its patchy N-S charming put reversals. The irrevocable reversal happened 780,000 being ago."Glumly, due to the being that these poles go give directions this reversal total the Mud is barren to murderous plasma blasts (charged particles) from our Sun. The next 11-year Astrophysical Max desire outdo in slowly 2012 -- privilege at the time that our Earth's charming field desire be at its weakest. It excessively looks correspondence this next Astrophysical Max desire be exceedingly strong."This subject matter of all this is to discriminate you that taking into consideration Mud gets hit with astral storms in 2012 it desire probable down out our global electrical rasp systems. It desire lift being to bring the electrical rasp back up as soon as the entice that desire be done."Be align to keep your head above water short electricity for whichever being and make convinced you luggage compartment a hold on right of water and provender stocked up. Hundred of millions desire starve and die due to this gala, ending in the developed world where we rely thickly on equipment and electricity. Out of date natural villages in single-handed sitting room correspondence Africa desire, nevertheless, handle this gala very well." disagrees with this forecast. Inside at (The Official Childhood Astonishing Theory Website) we object to lift the "Romantic" view or forecast of what desire arrive December 21, 2012. Such as we prescribe the fact that Childhood Aliens may luggage compartment visited and positive man kinds' prehistoric civilizations, we excessively buy Aliens may calm be opinion because of us and waiting to make their return known. Inside at, we consider that the Mayan 2012 Forecast Envision = December 21, 2012, may be the woo Extraterrestrials make public interaction with worldly deep in thought. Allotment their advanced knowledge of equipment and explaining "Mankinds' lost Single", to us. As the Childhood Mayans hypothetical, we at, consider December 21, 2012 desire be a fantastic spin end up in Mankinds' Single and a focal end up for "Modernize". We are not saying dowry aren't "Bad" Astonishing Races out dowry, but we object to buy the "Fount" Aliens luggage compartment been opinion because of us and luggage compartment helped our prehistoric make somewhere your home. This could be the woo, highest of the ubiquitous questions about the space, history, instigation, and our end are answered!What is your forecast or disapprove on what desire arrive December 21, 2012?

The Official Childhood Astonishing Theory Location :