Monday, August 22, 2011

Wind Magick The Power Of The Wind

Wind Magick The Power Of The Wind
**Graphic by StanOd**Meander MAGICK - THE Brute force OF THE MeanderInclude you ever sat private and redress felt the wind? Did you ever find the time to really implication it, to not righteous implication it blowing spanning your situation and express your hair, but the energy that it carries nap with it? Systematically appearing in rituals you will see the Winds invoked to aid in the power and energy of a detail ritual or spell. This is an ancient practice and tradition that has been carried forward and is sedentary hand-me-down traditionally today. All and sundry send for of the bend carries with it a contrary energy."Gather the North wind's compelling gale:lock the read and wiry the passage. Considering the bend comes from the South, love will kiss you the on the mouth. Considering the Tie up bend blows from the West, previous spirits accept no rest. Considering the bend blows from the East,presume the new and set the festival. "North Meander - This is seemingly the bend that you see depicted peak systematically. I celebrate it what featured in a lot of the Christmas specials to the same extent I was rapid. :)))) The North Meander is all about change. Escalating up in New England I am peak adjacent with references to the North Meander bringing the standoffish winds of winter such as the chief stanza of this poem suggests. It is moreover the bend associated with death and the color black. It is an chief energy if you wish to rid yourself of whatever such as a bad accident, injurious energy, or whatever as well that you can use a strong energy for. It is held that it will twitch whatever you wish to be rid of apart. South Meander - As the North Meander is associated with the color yellow and is easy for what a very strenuous, subtle, and emotional bend. It's chief for matters of the core and can help prompt have a thing about in family members. In all matters of the core, this is the bend to bigwig upon to crutch you with it's energy. West Meander - The West Winds are associated with the color bad. This bend is considerable to work with if you force to disinfect your energy and work with self healing. The West Meander is moreover easy to help you with your opinion and to support messages from guides and the spirit realms. You can moreover bigwig upon the West Meander to crutch you with any stormy matters, this can cover matters of the core as well. East Meander - The East bend is associated with the color white. The East Meander is all about new early life. It will bring about modify in your life. It's moreover associated with sophistication. If wisdom is what you survey bigwig upon the Winds of the East.All and sundry of these Winds has very nit-picking energy and they all work very well together which is why you will peak systematically see all four of them called together. It is best to call up the Winds to the same extent working private.You will systematically see the winds called upon in conjunction with the watchtowers. Depending on the tradition you project this may move away. You can bigwig on the energy of the winds in any of your rituals or spells using the craze that you are peak at home using. I normally redress bigwig them by saying the following:Winds of the North, be with me tonight,conceal me with your energy in love and light. Run through for each of the Winds, substituting the acceptably name. You can moreover use the bend as a form of foresight. The following time you implication a strong meander blowing on your situation, pay submission to the send for it is coming from, it may redress be thankless to address you everything. :))))A great deal Heat and Profuse Blessings,Jasmeine Moonsong