Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ritual For The Feriae Marti Festival Of Mars

Ritual For The Feriae Marti Festival Of Mars


ALTAR: Set out a red cloth and lay crossed weapons, such as spears and swords, upon it. Lay a helm in the center, a horn, and a burning red candle or torch.

OFFERINGS: Candles. Finger-shaped cakes (strues). Acts of courage, especially those which force one to fight for the defense of another or of one's beliefs. In the morning, the exercise of Gymnastika shall be hard aerobic movements.

DAILY MEAL: Finger-cakes. Spicy foods, such as cayenne and chiles. Meat from uncastrated male animals.


Mars, warrior god, Fire that leaps

And dances, Protector of cities

And of this house, and our spirits,

Courageous one, mirror us back

Some of your courage.

Fearless one, show us a path

Through our many fears.

Armored one, give us protection

From all who would harm us.

And may your sword turn away

All danger from our flesh,

Our bones, our house, our home,

Our hearth and our hearts

Our eyes and our spirits.

Protect us from destruction and ruin,

O fiery god of the shining spear.

We hail you, eternal warrior,

And ask that you grant us

Some small measure

Of your boundless fiery heart.

CHANT: (To be accompanied by drums and people clashing blades against shields in the manner of the Salii of ancient times)

Gloria Martial! Gloria Martial! Gloria Martial!

Honoria et Gloria Honoria et Gloria!

A libation of red wine is poured out for Mars. One person lifts the horn and winds it, long and slow, five times, and the rite is ended.

From: Pagan Book of Hours
