TANA MANA DHANA NYOCHAAVARA KIIJAI Let us chorus this prayer and wave lights to the two young people, Radha and Krishna and plan our body attention and all our wealth (to win their approving favour).RAVI SHASHI KOTI VADANA KII SHOBHAA
TAAHI NIRAKHA MERAA MANA LOBHAA When I gape at them, my attention is enamoured of the beauty of their faces which matches that of a numerous of suns and Moons.GAURA SHYAAMA MUKHA NIRAKHATA RIIJHAI
PRABHU KO RUUPA NAYANA BHARA PIJAI When one beholds the two faces, one fair and the other dark, one is right now spellbound. The poet calls upon all to imbue their eyes with the beauty of the Lord's attribute.KANNCHANA THAARA KAPUURA KII BAATII
HARI AAYE NIRMALA BAHII CHAATII Wave the golden platter with camphor sizzling in it ahead the Lady who, manifesting himself, cleanses the inside of all its impurities.PHUULANA KII SEJA PHUULANA KII MAALAA
RATNA SINHAASANA BAITHE NANDALAALAA The Lady, the sugar son of Nanda, sleeps on a chaise longue of flowers and wears a festoon of blossoms. He has ensconced himself on a throne ready of gems.MORA UKUTA KARA MURALII SOHAI
NATAVARA VESHA DEKHA MANA MOHAI A top of peacock low on his lead and a beaker in his hand are the adornments of this showman whose vision fascinates the attention.ANGA NIILA PIITA PATA SAARII
KUNJA BIHAARII GIRAVARADHAARII The body of the Lady, a lazybones in bowers and groves and upholder of a sharp mass, is all muted and orangey smooth are his clothes.SHRI PURUSHOTTAMA GIRIVARA DHAARII
AARATII KARATA SAKALA VRAJANAARII Every beast of Vraja, who adores him with festal lights, sings of Lady Krishna, the upholder of the best of mountains and prime between men.NANDA NANDANA VRUSHAHAANU KISHORII
PARAMAANANDA SVAAMII AVICHALA JODII Inseparable says Swami Paramananda, is the the system of Krishna, fancy of Nanda and Radha, the in advance teenager of Vrushabhanu.