Monday, July 12, 2010

Pagan Child Abcs

Pagan Child Abcs
I found a website with sufficient of colossal songs, poems and chants for Pagan Family...

I settle had to connect some of them trendy :)

A is Athame, the knife that we use.

B is for Beltaine, to the same degree cronies we gather.

C is for Rotate anywhere we all are one.

D is for Deosil, path of the Sun.

E is for Esbat, to the same degree we finale harm.

F is for Send out and its crackling concrete.

G is for the Divine being in beauty and love.

H is the Horned One, our Set off addition.

I is for Imbolc, candles light the way.

J is for June to the same degree it's Midsummer's Day.

K is for Chance, the belongings that we do.

L is for Lammas, harvest's all over the place through!

M is for Moon, riding way up so high.

N is for Nighttime, which darkens the sky.

O is for Ostara, to the same degree we hunt for produce.

P is for Pan, with hairy goat legs.

Q is the To your place and stage are settle four.

R for the Means to the same degree we open the Door.

S is for Samhain, end of the engagement.

T is for Tarot cards, futures to be given.

U is Undines from the watery West.

V is Vervain for protection and rest.

W's Widdershins, the path of the moon.

X is the sign that's the sign of the God.

Y is for Yule and the sun's return,

Z is the Zodiac, 12 signs to learn.

Copyright 1989, Breid Foxsong