Wednesday, September 24, 2014

2038 The Great Pyramid Timeline Prophecy

2038 The Great Pyramid Timeline Prophecy



"By John Van Auken"

Published by A.R.E. Interrogate

192 pages, order

It seems that we are straight away swimming in the age of revelation. Instance bountiful heralded 2012 as the prognostic end grow old, perhaps more rapidly to the truth is that we've crossed the cutoff point of a new beginning. This new beginning is perhaps not a crushing event, but honestly a dense recitation - a reform dictated by the lofty search of outer space bodies all through the outer space.

If this is the carcass, after that we are in the midst of a transition that power take decades to unfurl. It seems the Maya were susceptible of this coming transition, as were the Hopi along with, perhaps, other neighborhood cultures. May well it be the ancient Egyptians knew about our draft transition as well and built their own revelation inside the structure of the Omnipresent Pyramid?

This revelation, community as the pyramid timeline, is believed to trace the highs and lows of humanity's voyage fashionable the past 6,000 go and, according to enlightened pyramidologists, ends in the time 2038, clad in the midst of our passing epoch.

Screenwriter John Van Auken chairs the pyramid timeline revelation in context with the Mayan revelation and the Omnipresent Appointment (the 26,000-year precession of the equinox):

"One degree of our Sun's movement is 72 go, so dating a momentous reform to the time 2012 and singular to the time 2038 is to hand placing them within the exceedingly time. In the middle of some of the Mayan Elders, the time 2012 is seen as the "beginning" of a transitional epoch that they quay phantom be in full movement by the time 2038"

Mr Van Auken is restrained an improved on ancient Egypt and he is a chief at Edgar Cayce's Discussion for Weigh up and Rationalization (A.R.E.). Over trance-state readings, Mr Cayce, one of America's best community and adored prophets, frequently beam as the express of Ra-Ta, a high priest of ancient Egypt. Mr Cayce was restrained the revival of Ra-Ta, and Mr Van Auken's knowledge of Mr Cayce's readings on ancient Egypt lends a incline to this book that is without a doubt exact and taken given away.

Mr Van Auken is not the initiator of the pyramid timeline revelation. Choose, he is rejuvenating an substance put forth in the 19th and 20th centuries, utmost unusually by investigator David Davidson, in a book co-authored with H. Aldersmith entitled "The Omnipresent Pyramid: Its Divine Transmission".

A long time ago the Rosetta Stonework was mad in the 19th century, pyramidologists coupled together the array of the Omnipresent Pyramid with the Egyptian Quantity of the Polished, maintaining realistically the lettering was but one copy of a voyage that the pyramid told in stone. Little common Egyptologists today sticky tag all pyramids to be tombs, Mr Van Auken credibly asserts that the facts do not support such an substance individual assigned to the likes of the Omnipresent Pyramid. Choose, "the Omnipresent Pyramid with its bountiful passageways, chambers, and distinctive type may accept been hand-me-down to glimmer anthropomorphize souls inside the other body of life."

The Egyptian Quantity of the Polished seems to serve various purposes. It is a route map for the of late departed on the voyage from the go by of acquire revival to a place in the space along with the other star gods. The book's chapters reverberation to in shape to tunnels and chambers within the Omnipresent Pyramid, telling the book and the pyramid were hand-me-down together to, as Mr Van Auken states, glimmer seekers "inside the other body of life."

Sophisticated the Omnipresent Pyramid was not a resting place, 19th and 20th century pyramidologists hand-me-down the discoveries found in the Egyptian Quantity of the Polished and the 'pyramid inch' (the unit of set assumed to be the ancient lowly hand-me-down in the edifice of the pyramid) to test out a notion that the passageways and chambers of the Omnipresent Pyramid told the story of humanity's voyage on foxhole Loam.

"2038: The Omnipresent Pyramid Timeline Dream "is a nervous and preparation read. Mr Van Auken begins the book with an overview of the Omnipresent Pyramid and its anomalies forward delving inside the confession of the timeline revelation and its bond to the Egyptian Quantity of the Polished, as well as tons of generous information about ancient Egyptian perspectives on duration.

Maybe the utmost considerable part of the book is in the same way as Mr Van Auken introduces Mr Cayce, the revival of Ra-Ta, inside the story. That's in the same way as the book veers down a route meaningfully less travelled with tales of Atlantis and a vanguard spirituality.

Regardless of whether the pyramid timeline turns out to be fact or speculate, it's a lecture of a meaningfully corpulent bamboozle whereby science and metaphysics - single now for so bountiful generations - reverberation to be again reaching towards one singular.

"- REVIEWED BY MARC Star IN NEW Sunup 138"