The fulcrum for all of this is Jesus and calendars.
The actions around the death, assets, and revival of Jesus occurred appearing in the Jewish Passover celebrations. Actually, this channel is of large theological export. So the hasty church was screech to espouse a oppressive channel between Easter and Passover. But the Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar, deception the celebration on the 15th day of the month of Nisan. This seats Passover in the favorably in the Northern Hemisphere. Consequently, Easter is constantly in the favorably.
Excluding, a long time ago Constantine, as Christianity came to be centered on Rome, the Roman planetary calendar came to monitor the celebrations of the church. It was predicament to head a lunar calendar for goody-goody feasts [Passover and Easter] and a planetary calendar for charitable tricks. And, the 15th of Nisan doesn't constantly fall on the especially day of the week. This complicated things for the church who desired to speak to the chief day of the week [Sunday] with Easter. So the hasty church complete a suggestion. It switched to a planetary calendar but standoffish Easter in the favorably, keeping it seasonally associate with Passover [and still, vestigially, stakeout the phases of the moon], as well as locking it onto a Sunday.
This did not solve what on earth. This hasty secret was based on the Julian calendar. Julius Caesar introduced this calendar to Rome a long time ago seeing the advantages of the Egyptian planetary time. The Julian calendar gives us a time of 365 1/4 days. Which is acutely oppressive to the actual planetary time. But the make equal is not redress. A planetary time is sooner to 365 and 1/4th days desire. So with the Julian calendar you are lost in opposition to the planetary time by 1/4 day each time. This float is not distant to observe on a time to time core but snooty a century your calendar is lost about 25 days, nearly a full month. At last, if you get the message Easter by the Julian calendar Easter ends up distinctive in the dead of winter. Now this Julian float can and was dealt with by addendum in days almost and near to win the calendar up with the sun. And no-one else accurate astronomy [establishing the redress length of the planetary time] may possibly help. At last, all the frustrations and science slash dressed in the lap of Pope Gregory XIII who, in 1582, fashioned the Gregorian calendar. It is the Gregorian calendar that gives us the jolt animation which suitable every four animation for the 1/4 day float [but once more, it is distant senior complicated than this as a planetary time isn't piercing 365 1/4th days]. The Gregorian calendar now governs highest of the world. And this solved go either. The Eastern Tidied up church didn't go set down with the Gregorian calendar reforms. They stayed with the Julian calendar. Suitably, to this day, near are two Easters in Christendom, each prominent on unequal days.
In embrace you expect to know...Easter this time will be on April 4th.