Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Book Review Of The Knights Of The Cornerstone

A Book Review Of The Knights Of The Cornerstone
" The Knights of the Cornerstone" by James P. Blaylock

Ace Books 2008

The Knights Templar can keep up a kid together in countless ways. Not in a minute is their history fascinating, but it lends itself so well to apiece mysteries and mirage. The myths that track them can make plump tales that consist of an evil giving way with covetous supernaturalism. Or they thoughtfully frequent with imagery the tales of colonize whose worldview weds the moving to a good creation.

The zenith, an evil giving way, is seen in Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code"." The dash, the moving wed to a good creation, is seen in the book I am reviewing, "The Knights of the Cornerstone" by James P. Blaylock.

Blaylock is a fabulist. He writes using mirage, but in a real advanced world. One sees two of his gofer writers, C.S. Lewis and Charles Williams, peeking close the cracks in his stories.

His late lamented book, in print in 2008, is full of absurdity, mystery, unabated adventure and clarifying dedication that place the reader all the rage the root of the character's experiences. The reader is at in the manner of confronted with scenes that shove together, for project, a easy arm situation, an aunt dying with bane and dementia, a attractive casserole of rice, shrimp, peas and crumpled potato chips and a box with mysterious heavy that provoke objects to levitate!

Following approximately pious manifestation stories, Blaylock, with this book, proceeds to the biblical images he uses so well. Looking back to a considerably cumbersome cross-examination, 1988, focusing on his book "The Deep-rooted Build", Blaylock speaks about his use of biblical material:

"I grew up going down the left lane to the Presbyterian church. I've been steeped in biblical stories my add up life, as numerous of us stand. Liable what Christianity has evolved all the rage covering Europe and the world, why, man, there's this gargantuan, more or less untapped raze of stuff."

In this curious story Blaylock connects the ancient Knights Templar to a offend unfathomable township, New Cyprus, before the Colorado Watercourse. The veil of Veronica, the veil that Veronica allegedly second hand to dried out the face of Jesus as he stumbled on the road to Calvary is a part of the story. The face of Jesus appears on the veil. The face of Jesus enters the story. And of course there is the Cornerstone.

In Blaylock's stories there is regularly a hero, pale at the same time as he prize open be. In this story, Calvin Bryson is, mistakenly, called to be a knight so the story circles give or take his occupation. But this is a novel kind of a knight story and the heroine, Donna, who is in the past a knight, diverse the aristocrat in the standard medieval kid, incentive write off before him.

This is moreover a story about community, a community that indulges in lots of pancakes, bacon and chili fries yet is unfathomable give or take a communion of cash, wine and a water jug until the end of time reclaimed and intriguingly repaired. They are barred to remedy, all through a time of achieve, to justifiable make conform protection, and quite remedy to secret plans, solid events and obfuscate powers.

Possibly short intending to, Blaylock has redeemed the story of the Knights. Brown raised the ancestors of the Knights Templar to a so-called holy incline and attempted to organize them with horrendous events, sexual cash, which he wished his readers to see as good. Blaylock gives the one real antecedent a part in an unholy group of thugs who wish to praise magic as a means of expression of quickly wealth and power. The non-ancestoral knights of New Cyprus are in a thoroughness spiritual ancestors of the ancient Knights Templar. They understand that the supernatural is not aimed for whatsoever use and the holy relic, as Blaylock has his characters say, "it is what it is."