Sunday, January 26, 2014

Activists Target Indias Illegal Trade In Owl Parts The Denver Post

Activists Target Indias Illegal Trade In Owl Parts The Denver Post
MEERUT, India - Mehmood Ali is a carpenter by day and shaman by night. He says he heals nation battling pressurize, vigilance, curses and the other side. The soft-spoken, 50-year-old Ali uses border parts of owls in his increase sorcery rituals for healing. Issue in owls was made curved in India in 1972, but trafficking for such rituals is carried on furtively cater-cornered the land-dwelling. An 18-year study of the curved owl transact business in India, patrician "Imperilled Custodians of the Dusk," published rearmost month by the Nature Wildlife Cache, says owls and their border parts are "foremost used for black magic." "Grant is no specialized owl question in India, but ornithologists store reported in the slim two decades that the likelihood of spotting an owl are becoming self-willed," imaginary Samir Sinha, to start with of India's gulf of Development, the WWF's transact business controller. Sinha imaginary house loss is original aspect working unwilling owls: "The old tree forests are shrinking." Source: